Average Height of Adult Men Worldwide: A Global Perspective

When it comes to the heights of adult men, there’s quite a bit of variation around the world. People from different countries tend to have different average heights, influenced by genetics, nutrition, and healthcare. In this article, we’ll explore the average heights of adult men in various countries, providing measurements in both centimeters (cm) and feet (ft). Click on the country flags to learn more about each nation.

Let’s dive into the numbers:

FlagCountryAverage Height (cm)Average Height (ft)
🇧🇦Bosnia and Herzegovina180.875’11”
🇰🇷South Korea174.925’9″

It’s fascinating to see how heights can vary across countries and regions. These averages offer a glimpse into the diverse physical characteristics of people around the world. Keep in mind that individual heights can differ significantly from these averages due to various factors, but this data provides a broad overview of global height patterns.