The Inspirational Journey of Dilkhush Kumar: From Rickshaw Puller to Startup Founder

Starting from Scratch

Dilkhush Kumar’s story is a remarkable tale of determination and hard work. Hailing from Bihar’s Saharsa district, he began as a rickshaw puller. However, he dared to dream bigger.

Building a Dream Team

Kumar’s vision led to the creation of RodBez, a platform connecting customers with taxi drivers for outstation travel. To turn this dream into reality, he gathered a talented team, including students from prestigious institutions like IIT Guwahati and IIM.

Overcoming Adversity

Kumar’s journey wasn’t without its challenges. He faced numerous job rejections and financial struggles. But his unwavering determination propelled him forward.

The Road to Success

From a humble second-hand Tata Nano, RodBez made an astonishing leap, raising Rs 4 crore in a matter of months. The startup began by serving Bihar’s villages and gradually expanded to connect cities.

Fair Wages for Drivers

One of RodBez’s standout features is its commitment to fair remuneration. The company pays its drivers Rs 55,000 to 60,000 per month, setting a new standard in the industry.

Believing in Yourself

Dilkhush Kumar’s journey is a testament to the power of self-belief, hard work, and perseverance. From a rickshaw puller to a startup icon, his story proves that the sky’s the limit for those who dare to dream.